7 Tips for Packing and Moving Quickly

Here are a few tips to help maximize what time you do have to vacate your premises.

1. Gather your tools

Pick a place to be your packing station so you don’t waste time constantly wandering the house, hunting for your Sharpie or the right-sized box. Stock it with plenty of tape, boxes of various sizes, bubble wrap, newspapers and markers.

2. Stick to a strategy

Pack vital things together, in specially marked boxes. This includes what you’ll want on your first day, like sheets, pet food, electronics chargers, toiletries and a change of clothes. Then pack one room at a time and label boxes by room. It’s helpful to color code rooms, whether with markers or strips of duct tape.

3. Use plenty of trash bags

To avoid confusion, buy them in two colors, one for packing and one for throwing things away. Don’t be afraid to pack clothing and linens in the big plastic bags. You can squish them in between boxes to save space.

4. Fill your drawers

If you’re using professional movers (and not friends with sensitive backs), pack your dresser drawers full. Otherwise, you’re wasting space.

5. Watch your weight

Fill big boxes with lightweight items and small boxes with the heavy stuff. It’ll help prevent the boxes from breaking down.

6. Don’t get hung up on clothes

Wardrobe boxes make it easy to simply transfer your clothes on hangers rather than bothering with unhanging and folding.

7. If you’ve got the bucks…

Use professional packers. You can hire them to pack your whole home, just a room or a group of time-consuming items, like your extensive collection of fragile ceramic clowns.

All packed up and nowhere to go? Talk to your agent. He or she will be able to help you look for your next home.

You can find an experienced one here.
