What is a Serviced Plot?

The phrase “serviced plot” has become common in Kenya but what does it really mean?

According to http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/serviced?s=t the term serviced means: the supplying or supplier of utilities or commodities, as water, electricity, or gas, required or demanded by the public.

The supply of these amenities go beyond the basic needs of an estate and may include roads, water treatment plant, surface water drainage, landscaping and the list goes on. Consequently, the supply of these amenities derives the phrases “fully serviced plots” and “semi-serviced plots”.

These amenities in Kenya are either provided by the three classes of local authorities: City, Municipality, and Town authorities or by private developers who come up with projects that have factored the cost of supplying these amenities.

What should a buyer look for when buying a serviced plot?

Basic needs

Every community has basic needs and with the change of time some secondary needs are quickly turning into basic needs e.g. Security was once well catered for by the government but now we have to reinforce security on our own, hence the popularity of gated communities and sophisticated security installations is increasing. People are looking for an enclosure where traffic can be monitored effectively and the cost shared among residents. Kenyans are shying away from developing a home in isolated locations therefore before buying a piece of land for building a home it is important to note the basic needs and the period of time within which both the basic and secondary needs will be met.

Central and County Governments

Some major infrastructures developments require the input of central and county governments. Until recently, Kenyans had zero confidence in the promises given by the said governments hence why private developers had to step in. Every county is now under public scrutiny to ensure they deliver on their promises. Nevertheless, the private developers’ “serviced plots/projects” are more popular with investors.


Private developers are able to offer extras that guarantee buyers a return for their investment. These extra features create an ideal neighbourhood for a dream home and they range widely depending on the target market. They may consist of:

  • Golf course
  • Boulevards & street scapes
  • Recreation parks
  • Unique house designs
  • Cabro roads
  • Internet infrastructure
  • Health & recreation
  • Commercial nodes
  • Educational centers
  • Social infrastructure

Migaa and Buffalo Hills just to name a few are projects where you can find these serviced plots
